Digital Insights

2020 Marketing Trends to Watch … Again

We are always looking over the horizon to see ‘what is next’ in the marketing world. As I was reading through the predictions for 2020, I thought I had accidentally hit the rewind button. In an unscientific manner, I have aggregated the topics that I considered to be the most talked about in the news and communications I read.

Don’t misunderstand me. I think there are some valuable lessons in these trends. I just have a few thoughts about them.

Stakeholder Management Strategy

Stakeholder Management is thought of as one of those ‘traditional” public relations services. There is so much complexity to managing communications with and by corporate stakeholders.

Withe the rise of social media activism and growing power of online media, effective stakeholder management has shifted from only traditional to integrated online media.

There are more and more examples of how the influence of stakeholders can be immense. If these influences are not managed correctly, it can lead lead to project delays, draining of needed resource, political intervention or even project termination.

The Phillips Group has created a post that give insights on stakeholder management. They also provide strategies for positive stakeholder management.

The combination of these two approaches provides effective ways to prepare for stakeholder issues before they arise, or manage stakeholder when they happen.

Who Is Minding Your Google Analytics Account?

As a long time veteran of the online marketing industry, I have had to ask for access to my fair share of Google Analytics accounts. Part of doing reporting and SEO work means using analytics tools to determine performance and user behavior.

Over the years, I have also noticed that many companies start to lose control of their accounts. Companies don’t know who had access, don’t have Admin / Ownership of accounts or have an associate who left and can no longer get into an account.

Crossing the Street

Thoughts on Changing Perspective

It is very easy to get into a rut.  To always think the same way about a problem.  As someone who works with a wide variety of companies, I often get the question, “What do you know about our industry?”

My value to clients is knowing online marketing and to take the time to find out what YOU know about your industry. Let’s just start by saying that I have worked in dozens of industries at this point in my career and have a strong background in areas that seem down right unrelated. It has suited me well, because I always like to be learning and exploring.

3 Reasons to Avoid Using a “Misc” Category group

Today, I was chatting with a client about some information architecture changes to his website. The changes were being proposed to create a better user experienced and the organize content that had professional value that we buried in a blog.

For this process, we were going to create a resource center with information that had come from the blog.  As part of the review, there was a group of categories for the resource center that was created. 

For this process, we were going to create a resource center with information that had come from the blog.  As part of the review, there was a group of categories for the resource center that was created.