Yes, Mobile shopping is only growing. Recently, there was an eMarketer article that Mobile shoppers are more at the top of the funnel. They might browse on mobile, but they buy through some other method.
When I went to read the article, I did a double take with the sentence – “But it’s still largely an upper-funnel affair, with fewer than seven in 10 of those mobile shoppers actually making a purchase on their device.”

Maybe it is just me, but with rates in the high 60’s, that indicates that mobile shopping is a solid affair. Part of the reason for the smaller conversion than Tablet users. Those users account for 65.8% of mobile commerce. It is easy to understand that a bigger screen makes for an easier purchase.
With the launch of the new iPhone Phablet, it will be interesting to see if that segment of mobile users has a higher conversion simply because of ease of use.