Google Loses Market Share

Google Market Share Drops

In a recent SEJ article, they talk about the dropping market share of Google. For many companies, Google is a main source for Organic and Paid Search. That makes it important to understand why traffic might see some declines with the drop in overall volume on 

Although they are still the giant in the room, there will potentially be an impact in those metrics.

Google’s Search Engine Market Share Drops As Competitors’ Grows

Some article highlights:

  • Google’s search engine market share has fallen to 86.99%, the lowest point since the firm began tracking search engine share in 2009.
  • The decline is most significant in Google’s key market, the United States, where its share of searches across all devices fell by nearly 10%, reaching 77.52%.
  • Pundits are saying the new algorithm results and quality of results overall have declined and that is impacting performance

What does that mean for you– while there might be an impact performance from Google, the search engine that has been gaining ground in Bing and Yahoo (which uses Bing technology). 

It is worth monitoring the Bing webmaster /SEO tools to ensure you are not in any violations for their algorithm or policies.   Bing also has a program called IndexNow that can help with performance and indexing of other search engines.